Lead Forward 

Access the decisive leader hidden in your wild body


Leadership is the energetic presence of one who can speak without words. Our very movement communicates and implies volumes regarding our trajectory and stance in life.

On average, we spend 60% of our time at work! The habitual physical responses of our bodies can reflect the repetitive motions of our contracted selves. Injuries, pain and burnout all point to a disconnect from the energetic and instinctual self that longs to reunite with the expansive hidden leader residing within us all. 

Master your energetic truth and show up where you stand. Discover how to Physicalize the mastery of your energetic truth to uncover the Decisive & Embodied Leader you are here for!

To begin discover all of this through a ‘Call out your Contracted Self call’ ↴↴↴

Expand through Animal Body Activation

Build a connection to your vision of the future by deepening your knowledge of wellness ways of working. Practice the art of leadership by releasing stress, anxiety and depression. Instead lead with vision, virtue and brain-body balance.

Gain clarity on aligned actions to get you from where you are now to the place you have been longing for. Clear out old habits to form new internal dialog, re-design your days and practice prioritising yourself.

Reap the fruits of confidence by leading forward as the conduit of change within your company, business, or organisation. Articulate your journey with ease and share tools with your team, whanau & wider community.

Now is the time to LEAD by example

  • Enhance your energy, improve your sleep and feel better in your body

  • Increase your clarity by reducing brain fog and over-thinking

  • Build boundaries to support your personal progression

  • Create quality communication within your relationships

  • Mitigate the effects of stress, anxiety and fear in your life

  • Learn ways to strengthen your immune, digestive and nervous systems

Lead Forward invites you onto a 10-week transformational journey re-remembering your instinctual awareness, internal resourcefulness and the expansive hidden leader to Brave Bold Pathways. Come to know your expanded identity through a journey into your internal landscapes.

Master your energetic truth and show up where you stand. Discover how to Physicalize the mastery of your energetic truth to uncover the Decisive & Embodied Leadership you are here for.

If not now, when?

For those who are done with seeing exhaustion and burnout sweep through our nation. Forfeit the busy badge in pursuit of change!

With wellness at the forefront of all aspects of reality, we now recognise the importance of weaving leadership development with workplace wellness. Being well provides the ability, information and integrative knowledge to lead well. Essentials for leading a team with confidence and clarity during uncertain and changing times.

For you to create new habits, you must make a different choice from what you have chosen before…. THE LARGEST CHALLENGE OF ALL! That is why rewiring what you truly desire is so influential during this 10-week process of change.

Delivery Format:

10 weeks x 2 Hour Embodied Leadership Online Training Immersions

10 weeks x 1 Hour Personal Mentoring with Astiana

2 x 1 Hour Pre-Work

4 x Personalised 30-Minute Lead Forward Reflective Enquiries

Total Learning Time: 34 hours over 10 weeks


  • Introductions and Intentions - It all begins with connection, coming together as a group to share who you are, what YOU stand for + your intentions for the 10 weeks ahead! Planting the seed for your own expansive horizon.

  • Sustainable model of Success - Explore your own strengths utilising Te Whare Tapa Whā as a sustainable model of success. We don’t always have access to the same energy and solar light throughout the year, month and day. Discover your way of working within the seasons to unlock heightened wellness!

  • Brain and Body Balance – Creating true growth happens in tandem. Learn the important role of the nervous system and how to balance both sides of your brain to optimise performance, reduce stress and aid in personal progression.

  • Boundaries – There is an impact when your edges collide against another. Reassess, reflect and redefine your relationship to the tasks, people and places where you say ‘Yes’ VS ‘No’. An essential tool for leading with stability and clarity.

  • Physiological effects of change – Rupture and collision are natural and they invite us to continuously evolve and adapt as the landscape constantly changes. The patterns that keep you contained in outdated responses can catalyze new habits. Learn to rewire what you truly desire.

  • Habit Stacking - Call in clarity to create the motions of habit that incline you towards the fullest version of yourself. Habits that support you to incrementally warm up and then incrementally wind down creating rhythm and harmony. Progress further in your external life by navigating the internal landscape of your subconscious mind with confidence.

  • Challenge your comfort zone - Expand your comfort zone and personal practice by going beyond the known. Begin exploring new morning routines, align with your zone of genius and practice delegation through elimination.

  • Influences - Access your internal and external influences through a series of conscious challenges. Shifting emotions, circumstances and internal climate conditions require your awareness. Change your level of resilience through rest and recalibration.

  • Resilience in reflection - Learn to optimise your wellness by incorporating a reflective lens to your way of working. Pausing in stillness allows for new expansive viewpoints to integrate and mature within. Practice resilience through real life examples.

  • Planning and Celebration - Succession planning for long term sustainability. As we gaze up at the highlights and bright moments of the journey, you’ll see all new possibilities come into view. Cast your eyes higher to see further into your potential! Sharing success stories and opportunities for you to collaborate on future projects.


“Not only did you develop a beautiful unique framework -you transmitted illuminating content warmly, wisely and joyfully. You lit up pathways into wormholes and learning portals, equipping me with tools I will continue to use, modify and develop in this great business of life. Authentic content and I trusted that this was a safe container that I didn't have to turn up perfect.

- Catherine Woollett, Owner of Shades of Jade

The biggest challenge, hurdle and test throughout this journey was setting aside time and work commitments to progress. I overcame these by taking control and making different decisions to get me where I truly wanted to be. Asti, her style, and content, she is realistic yet magical and has stopped me from being in a dark place! Thank you.”

- Cushla Jones, Owner of Four Square Franz

Asti has an amazing ability to push you through all the barriers and understand that anything is possible while providing everything you need to get there. Truly an amazingly gifted person. The whole focus of the course to improve self to improve performance”

- Rhonda Palton, Health & Safety Officer at MBD Contracting

The next cohort begins Tuesday 21st 9-11am NZT